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P.A.V.E. - People Are Vital Energy

Welcome to PAVE, Cologne Academy's parent/teacher community organization. As a member of the Cologne Academy community, you are a member of PAVE! Join us at any meeting and contact us for more information.

We Need YOU!

Our school is stronger when our community gets involved.  Please fill out the interest form below and let us know how YOU want to be involved in OUR school!

Volunteer Interest Form


PAVE Overview

PAVE Bylaws

PAVE logo

PAVE Events

There are no events to display

PAVE Ongoing Fundraisers

Mabel's Labels

PAVE has signed up for ongoing fundraising through Mabel's Labels. For every order Cologne Academy PAVE will receive 20%!!
Enter/select: Cologne Academy

Can Trailer

Dump your aluminum cans into our trailer located in our front northeast corner of our parking lot.  No bags in the trailer please!  The recycling centers give us 50% less when there are bags in the trailer.  Thank you for your help with this!

Box Tops for Education

This is a digital program.  Click on the button above to learn more!

Coborn's School Rewards
Click on the button above to learn more!