P.A.V.E. - People Are Vital Energy
Welcome to PAVE, Cologne Academy's parent/teacher community organization. As a member of the Cologne Academy community, you are a member of PAVE! Join us at any meeting and contact us for more information.
We Need YOU!
Our school is stronger when our community gets involved. Please fill out the interest form below and let us know how YOU want to be involved in OUR school!
PAVE Overview
- Mission Statement, Goals & Values
- Executive Committee Overview
- PAVE Chair
- PAVE Vice-Chair
- PAVE Secretary
- PAVE Treasurer
- PAVE Communications Coordinator
- PAVE Volunteer Coordinator
- PAVE Events and Fundraising Coordinator
- PAVE Staff Liaison
Mission Statement, Goals & Values
Our Mission:
Cologne Academy PAVE Committee serves as a liaison between the parents and staff of Cologne Academy with one mission in mind: to strengthen, enhance and encourage the educational and social environment of Cologne Academy by:
- Working together as a TEAM and sharing in the decisions made for our students
- Raising funds to purchase items directly for our school and/or classrooms that will enhance and/or enrich the students’ learning experiences
- Providing opportunities and a safe environment for us to come together as a community to help support each other, have crucial discussions, and learn & grow together for the benefit of our students
Our Goals:
Cologne Academy PAVE Committee is a non-profit organization whose membership includes all parents, legal guardians, and staff at Cologne Academy. The PAVE Executive Committee is made up of volunteer parents and staff who are voted into their positions by their peers.
All funds raised by fundraisers are solely used to benefit Cologne Academy and its community. Whether they are used for direct classroom funding or school wide events, the best interest of our students, staff and families are always first and foremost.
PAVE goals are set-up to complement the school’s goals with additional opportunities for parents, teachers, and students to learn, socialize, communicate, and grow. The key to keeping the Cologne Academy PAVE Committee a successful organization is the involvement of the entire school community. We are all members of Cologne Academy PAVE. Our time and energy are the only limitations to the extent in which we are involved.
Our Values:
Respect and Responsibility: We value our colleagues and ourselves. We acknowledge that we are role models for our children and other students, therefore, we strive to conduct ourselves in a positive, kind manner and always appreciate the same in return. Honesty & Integrity: We acknowledge our obligations and deliver on our promises to the best of our ability. Generosity: We give our time, talent, and treasures to support our school community. Gratitude: We are thankful for all the efforts put forth by all individuals who support our school community. Courage: We have a growth mindset and are willing to take risks that will benefit our entire school community. Loyalty: We work in partnership with our school board, staff, parents and students to accomplish our agreed-upon goals. Compassion: We invite the stranger and welcome the newcomer. We value and seek input from as wide a spectrum of viewpoints and experiences as possible. Forgiveness: We act consistently with our beliefs. When we err, we acknowledge the mistake and seek to make amends as we also forgive others who err as soon as possible. Diligence: We are dedicated to promoting children’s health, well-being, and educational success through strong and positive parent, family, and community involvement.
Executive Committee Overview
Cologne Academy’s People Are Vital Energy (PAVE) Executive Committee
Description: Communication and effective leadership is critical to meeting our goals. The PAVE Executive Committee members interface regularly with administration and staff, write posts for the PAVE Connect website, send pertinent emails to families regarding fundraising, appreciation events, parent involvement nights, etc., and mentor the teams that coordinate various events and activities during the year.
The PAVE Executive Committee currently comprises the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, and Staff Liaison. Each position asks for a two-year commitment. The team generally meets 1-2 times per month throughout the school year. The minimum time commitment for each role is 2-3 hours per month.
If any of the roles of the PAVE Executive Committee are NOT fulfilled, the responsibilities of the unfilled positions will be distributed amongst the current Executive Committee directors.
- working together to plan yearly objectives and priorities to meet Cologne Academy’s community goals and initiatives
- soliciting volunteers for various activities
- writing communication about CA PAVE events and activities for the PAVE Connect website
- attending parent information nights when possible to be available to answer questions about PAVE and volunteer opportunities
- mentoring teams that coordinate various events and activities during the year such as teacher appreciation activities, fundraising and parent nights
- seeking candidates in the spring to fill open Executive Committee positions for the following school year
PAVE Chair
- The PAVE Chair is a two-year commitment and is a member of the PAVE Executive Committee. Terms end on even-numbered years.
- The PAVE Chair serves as the leader and key contact for the group as well as leads the PAVE Executive Committee. This person should be comfortable leading meetings and being a spokesperson for Cologne Academy PAVE as needed. She/he should also have a servant-leader’s heart as she/he encourages, directs, and supports those in leadership roles within the group.
Primary Responsibilities
- Lead and oversee the PAVE Executive Committee
- Schedule regular meetings – preferably monthly. Create agenda with input from rest of team
- Direct meeting, delegate jobs if needed, make decisions as necessary
- Encourage each member in her/his role
- Act as PAVE liaison to school administration and school board
- Oversee all appropriation of PAVE funds
- Oversee PAVE fundraising selection, planning, and evaluation
- Oversee any PAVE sub-committees
- Attend or provide a written report to monthly Cologne Academy School Board meetings
- Provide input from PAVE’s perspective on items of discussion as appropriate
- Share information/decisions as appropriate with PAVE Executive Committee.
- Schedule and preside at all PAVE school-wide meetings
- Manages and redirects correspondence to and from PAVE as needed, including emails, written correspondence, and voice mail messages.
PAVE Vice-Chair
- The PAVE Vice-Chair is a two-year commitment and is a member of the PAVE Executive Committee. Terms end on odd-numbered years.
- The PAVE Vice-Chair acts as an aide to the Chair and should be available to perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or inability of that Director to serve. She/he plays a large role in the day-to-day operations of PAVE, helping to formulate long-range plans, work out issues as they arise, and participate in Executive Committee discussions and decision making.
Primary Responsibilities
- Participate in Executive Committee meetings and provide input for decisions
- Assist PAVE Chair
- Lead PAVE meetings in Chair’s absence
- Accept delegated responsibility from Chair as appropriate and agreed upon
- Act as a liaison for new families
- Oversee Teacher Appreciation efforts
PAVE Secretary
- The PAVE Secretary is a two-year commitment and is a member of the PAVE Executive Committee. Terms end on odd-numbered years.
- The PAVE Secretary provides the administrative support for PAVE, keeping information and files up-to-date and organized.
Primary Responsibilities
- Participate in Executive Committee meetings and provide input for decisions
- Maintain all PAVE files, both hard copy and electronic
- Keep various PAVE office supplies stocked and organized
- Keep the minutes of PAVE Executive Committee meetings and school-wide meetings-upload these minutes to the designated PAVE Google Drive
- Keep the calendar of events for PAVE, scheduling building use with main office if needed
PAVE Treasurer
- The PAVE Treasurer is a two-year commitment and is a member of the PAVE Executive Committee. Terms end on odd-numbered years.
- As the financial caretaker of the PAVE Fund, the Treasurer is responsible for the recording of PAVE’s income and expenses. This person should have some natural ability with or basic understanding of accounting and feel comfortable working with or learning to use an expense and budgeting software.
Primary Responsibilities
- Participate in Executive Committee meetings and provide input for decisions.
- Prepare deposits and check requests as necessary to PAVE fund using appropriate forms available in the PAVE cupboard in the Main Office or in the Treasury folder in the Google Drive.
- Record income and expenses to the PAVE fund using the Financial Report (Google Sheet) in the Treasury folder.
- Obtain monthly statements from KleinBank and reconcile PAVE account monthly. Address any inconsistencies with the PAVE Chair at that time.
- Print out monthly fund reports for Executive Committee review.
- Provide further detailed fund reports if needed, assist with budget review and planning.
- Be available during busier key fundraising events to help with accounting needs and make necessary deposits. Timing is flexible; however, deposits can only be made during normal school hours.
- Maintain hard copy files for PAVE Fund; including but not limited to: reports, deposits, checks, receipts.
- Make sure all the necessary information is gathered to complete to file income taxes every year.
- Chair the Finance and Fundraising Committee.
PAVE Communications Coordinator
- The PAVE Communications Coordinator is a two-year commitment and is a member of the PAVE Executive Committee. Terms end on even-numbered years.
- The PAVE Communications Coordinator manages and oversees the PAVE Connect website, Facebook page and other Social Media platforms utilized by PAVE.
Primary Responsibilities
- Participate in Executive Team meetings and provide input for decisions.
- Coordinate and submit PAVE Roll Up 2-3 times per month on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays of the month.
PAVE Volunteer Coordinator
- The PAVE Volunteer Coordinator is a two-year commitment and is a member of the PAVE Executive Committee. Terms end on odd-numbered years.
- The PAVE Volunteer Coordinator manages the PAVE volunteer list and provides appropriate listed parent contact information to PAVE and other committees in relation to current volunteer needs and the matching interests of the parents. She/he also works with the PAVE Executive Committee to help determine current and future volunteer needs and how best to meet them.
Primary Responsibilities
- Participate in Executive Committee meetings and provide input for decisions.
- Create a Volunteer Interest Form for parents to complete online at the beginning of the school year using Google Forms.
- Forward appropriate parent contact information to PAVE and various other committees depending on the indicated interests of the parents.
- In spring, help to determine volunteer needs for all PAVE planned events and activities for the following academic year. Contact the current year’s event team leaders to determine who will be returning for those activities the following year.
- Communicate open current and future volunteer needs via PAVE Connect
- Beginning in May/June, recruit parent volunteers to fill all homeroom parent rep roles for following school year.
- When needed, contact parents directly via phone or email to ask for their involvement in a PAVE event or activity based on their indicated interest on their Volunteer Interest Form.
- Maintain current list of volunteers for each PAVE event listing their contact information. Provide this list to the PAVE Executive Committee as requested.
- Provide ideas and input in how to continue to improve volunteer recruitment procedures.
PAVE Events and Fundraising Coordinator
- The PAVE Event and Fundraiser Coordinator is a two-year commitment as a member of the PAVE Executive Committee. Terms end on odd-numbered years.
- The PAVE Event and Fundraiser Coordinator oversees all of the events and fundraisers supported by PAVE.
Primary Responsibilities
- Participate in Executive Committee meetings and provide input for decisions
- Helps find leadership for each event and fundraiser sub-committees
- Frequently checks in on the sub-committees to get a progress update and shares the updates with the PAVE Executive Team
- Helps communicate communication needs with the Communications Coordinator
- Makes sure the sub-committees are getting the support they need
PAVE Staff Liaison
- The PAVE Staff Liaison is a one-year commitment and is a member of the PAVE Executive Committee.
- The PAVE Staff Liaison will help provide a communication bridge between Cologne Academy staff and the PAVE Executive Committee. He/she will share PAVE news during staff meetings and will take feedback from staff to the PAVE Executive Committee.
- The PAVE Staff Liaison should be a current staff member of Cologne Academy.
Primary Responsibilities
- Participate in Executive Committee meetings and provide input for decisions.
- During these meetings let the PAVE Executive Committee know of any concerns the staff have regarding procedures or programs that PAVE is sponsoring.
- Give advice to PAVE about issues or ideas that PAVE may want to work on in the school.
- Encourage your staff to host/attend a PAVE meeting once a year.
- Encourage a partnership between the teachers and the parents by supporting PAVE’s activities after school hours and in the community.
- Be a strong advocate of PAVE.
PAVE Bylaws
- Article I-Name and Purpose
- Article II-Membership and Meetings
- Article III-PAVE Executive Committee
- Article IV-Subcommittees
- Article V-Management of Finances
- Article VI-Personal Liability
- Article VII-Duration/Dissolution
- Article VIII-Amendments
- Certification
Article I-Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name – The name of the organization shall be Cologne Academy PAVE Committee. The Employee Identification Number is: 27-1346464. It shall be a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota. PAVE is organized exclusively for the charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code.
Section 2: Purpose – Cologne Academy PAVE Committee is for the purpose of supporting the education and enrichment of children at Cologne Academy by fostering relationships among the school, parents, and staff.
Article II-Membership and Meetings
Section 1: Membership – Membership shall consist of the Directors on the PAVE Executive Committee and all parents or legal representatives of students at Cologne Academy and Cologne Academy staff members. Cologne Academy PAVE Committee does not charge dues to its membership.
Section 2: Meetings – Meetings will be held once a month during the school year, with the exception of December.
Article III-PAVE Executive Committee
Section 1: Committee Role, Size and Compensation – The Executive Committee is responsible for overall policy and direction of the organization and delegates responsibility of day-to-day operations to PAVE members and sub-committees. The Executive Committee shall have up to seven (7), but not fewer than three (3) Directors. The Directors receive no compensation other than reasonable expense reimbursements.
Section 2: Terms – Most Executive Committee Directors shall serve two-year terms, the Staff Liaison will serve a one-year term, but all are eligible for re-election for up to five consecutive terms.
Section 3: Meetings and Notice – The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly, at an agreed upon time and place. An official meeting requires that each Executive Committee Director have written notice at least one week in advance.
Section 4: Executive Committee Elections – During the last quarter of each school year, the Executive Committee shall elect Directors to replace those whose terms will be expiring at the end of the school year. This election shall take place during the PAVE Executive Committee meeting in April or May, called in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws.
Section 5: Election Procedures – A Candidate Profile form and Executive Committee role descriptions will be distributed via electronic communication to the entire PAVE membership. Members considering a Director role must submit their intent to the current PAVE Executive Committee no later than two weeks prior to the election. If a role is uncontested, new Directors shall be elected by a majority of current Directors present at such a meeting, provided there is a quorum present. Roles that have multiple applicants will be elected by the general
PAVE membership by majority vote. New Directors elected shall serve a term beginning on the first day of the next school year.
Section 6: Quorum – A quorum must be attended by at least two-thirds of PAVE Executive Committee Directors for bylaws and policies to be amended and yearly budgets to be approved. A quorum is not necessary for everyday business transactions and decisions, only a majority vote by the
Section 7: Directors and Duties – There shall be between three (3) and seven (7) Directors on the Executive Committee, consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, Staff Liaison and Communications Coordinator.
Section 8: Vacancies – When a vacancy on the Executive Committee exists mid-term, the Secretary must receive nominations for new Directors from members two weeks in advance of a Executive Committee meeting. These vacancies will be filled by appointment by the PAVE Executive Committee only to the end of the particular Executive Committee Director’s term.
Section 9: Resignation, Termination, and Absences – Resignation from the Executive Committee must be in writing and received by the Secretary. A Director shall be terminated from the Executive Committee due to excess absences, more than two unexcused absences from Executive Committee meetings in a year. A Director may be removed for other reasons by a two-thirds majority vote of the remaining Directors.
Section 10: Special Meetings – Special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called upon the request of the Chair or one-third of the Executive Committee Directors. Notices of special meetings shall be sent out by the Secretary to each Director at least one week in advance.
Section 11: Power and Authority – The Directors have the power to amend the articles of incorporation and bylaws. The management of affairs of the organization shall be vested to the PAVE Executive Committee, as defined by the organization’s bylaws. No Director shall have any right, title, or interest in or to any property of the organization.
Article IV-Subcommittees
Article V-Management of Finances
Section 2: Finance & Fundraising Committee – The Treasurer is the Chair of the Finance Committee, which includes two other members or Directors. The Finance & Fundraising Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures, fundraising plan, annual budget, and yearly tax preparations.
Section 3: Budget – The Executive Committee must approve the budget and all expenditures must be within budget. Any major change in the budget must be approved by the PAVE Executive Committee.
Section 4: Fiscal Year – The fiscal year shall run from July 1st – June 30th.
Section 5: Financial Statements – Financial statements are required to be submitted to the Executive Committee showing income and expenditures. The financial records of the organization are public information and shall be made available upon request.
Section 6: Bank Accounts – The Treasurer is one signer on the checking account and there must be one additional signer.
Article VI-Personal Liability
Article VII-Duration/Dissolution
The duration of the existence of the organization shall be perpetual until dissolution. Upon dissolution of the organization, assets of the organization shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
Article VIII-Amendments
PAVE Events
PAVE Ongoing Fundraisers
PAVE has signed up for ongoing fundraising through Mabel's Labels. For every order Cologne Academy PAVE will receive 20%!!
Enter/select: Cologne Academy
Can Trailer
Dump your aluminum cans into our trailer located in our front northeast corner of our parking lot. No bags in the trailer please! The recycling centers give us 50% less when there are bags in the trailer. Thank you for your help with this!
This is a digital program. Click on the button above to learn more!
Coborn's School Rewards
Click on the button above to learn more!