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National Junior Honor Society

NJHS is a nationally recognized leadership program that was established to recognize outstanding middle level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. At Cologne Academy, NJHS is responsible for being good role models for the rest of the school, organizing and running select school events, and helping those in our communities.

There are multiple steps to becoming a member of CA’s PRIDE Chapter of NJHS:

  • Earn and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5

  • Be a student of good moral character

  • Demonstrate skills of being an active leader

  • Demonstrate Meets or Exceeds on Minnesota State Testing and/or FastBridge Assessment

  • No major behavioral infractions (detentions, office referrals, STAR Room referrals) 

  • Be selected by CA’s PRIDE NJHS Faculty Council

There are multiple requirements to maintaining membership in NJHS:

  • Attend meetings regularly

  • Maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher

  • Volunteer a minimum of 20 hours per year

  • Participate in NJHS-sponsored events and fundraisers

  • Maintain standing as a student leader of good moral character

Cologne Academy Pride Chapter of NJHS Bylaws

Please click on the document to review the PDF in its entirety.

First page of the PDF file: NJHSBylaws_RevisedApril2022