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Cologne Transportation Services (CTS)

952.492.2410 or email

As a public charter school, Cologne Academy has no official district boundaries. This means that all can attend Cologne Academy, no matter where you live, as long as Cologne Academy has a seat available.

Cologne Transportation Services (CTS) uses their software program to create routes (same computer program as large districts like 112 and 110). Our goal is to keep all bus rides to 60 minutes or less. In order to do so, your route is likely to change so that all can have a reasonable ride time.

As parent/guardian, it is your responsibility to supervise the bus stop to ensure safety. Many times this means beyond the vantage point of your kitchen window. Cologne Academy transportation was initially created to operate as a hub system with convenient, centrally-located stops within communities. We do not guarantee a stop within walking distance of your home. Our goal is that each route runs no more than one hour in length, weather and traffic permitting. Please consider that your child may ride the bus for an hour to and from school if you choose to use Cologne Academy transportation. You will need to accompany your child in grades K-5 to the bus stop and be present to pick your child up from the bus as well. Students in grades K-6 can expect to sit three to a seat. We plan for students in grades 7-8 to sit two to a seat.

Cologne Academy Busing Policies and Procedures


Carline Procedure